Sunday, 30 November 2014

Boycott Willetts

'Boycott Willetts' is a fairly new student led campaign (also endorsed by some staff), with an aim to reverse my university's decision- Kings College London- in their decision of employing David Willetts, former University Minister, as a visiting professor in the department of Political Economy. He has also been hired to work with the universities policy institute.  

In 2010 David Willetts was one of key people in cooking up the educational elitist storm which is other wise known as the tripling of tuition fees. Hiring the man who passed such an unpopular policy and quickened the transition of turning universities into businesses and students into customers, is possibly one of the most offensive, hypocritical, and unsympathetic moves a university could make.

To unravel the elitist beliefs and the detrimental effects that Willetts has had on this country, lets first of all set the scene of his political life:

Willetts is very much a career politician and has very little understanding of what life is actually like for the majority of society. After graduating from Oxford with a first class honours degree in PPE (an atypical quality of an elite Tory) he became a private researcher for Nigel Lawson before moving over to Margaret Thatchers policy unit. In 1992, Willets became an MP and quickly established himself as an aspirational, loyal member of the party which led to becoming pay master general. He was actually forced to resign from this position in 1996 as a result of giving misleading evidence (he lied) in an investigating committee into Neil Hamilton's part in the cash for questions scandal.

However, Willets soon made a return to high rankings of the conservative party and was nicknamed "Two Brains"among his Tory chums. Despite supposedly being clever enough to have two brains in his head, it transpired that David Willetts is really really bad with money as he was involved with yet another scandal in 2009. The infamous expenses scandal of course! Willetts exhausted his expenses claim limit on numerous occasions as a result of submitting invoices of £330 for a dog kennel, paying workmen £115 to replace 25 light bulbs (he might be clever, but he can't climb step ladders), and spending almost £9000 on bathroom maintenance. Between 2001 and 2008, David Willetts claimed £143,764 of taxpayers money for his second home allowance. He quite frankly took the piss.

This man, someone who actively ripped off the people who voted him into power, had the mordacity to support policies in parliament that decreased living standards for the countries most desperate, and effectively laid the blame of Britain's financial problems with the poorest in society. Labelling people who are reliant on the welfare state as scroungers, spongers, or cheats simply makes an easy scapegoat and deters attention away from the much larger problem of tax avoidance and fiddling the system at a much higher, costly level- something that Willetts is clearly guilty of.

During his time in power David Willetts has supported cuts to disabled benefits and voted against taxations to bankers bonuses. Clearly a man with elitist priorities. Willetts also voted very strongly for the Iraq war, against equal gay rights, he supported the bedroom tax, voted for an overall reduction in spending on welfare benefits, supported the selling of state owned woodland to private companies, he voted against spending public money to create jobs for young people in long term unemployment, and very strongly for a reduction of corporation tax.... David Willetts provides the most help to the people who need it the least, and attacks the people who need the most the help. He is not the kind of person that Kings College London should be advocating.

In defending themselves, Kings is most likely going to suggest that universities are a space for people with differing and sometimes controversial opinions. However, I dispute this argument as a defence for employing David Willetts because KCL should not have space for opinions that are morally unacceptable. As well as being a man with distorted social priorities Willetts is also a raving misogynist. In 2011 David Willets claimed that feminism was a hindrance to society and blamed a stagnation of social mobility between classes on women taking up university places and jobs that could have otherwise been given to ambitious working class men. A racist professor would not be accepted at Kings College, and nor should one who believes that half the students studying there are simply occupying places that would be better off being taken by their male counter parts.

The selection of Willetts is a massive slap in the face for the students. It was summed up quite nicely on a facebook thread on which someone said that hiring David Willetts as a professor in a university is like employing the owner of an abattoir as an animal rights campaigner. 

But as controversial as this appointment is, it's not surprised me. I've only been a student at Kings for a few months and already they've repeatedly  proved themselves to be an elitist money making institution; The Boycott Willetts campaign is just one of numerous that are working in reversing the principles of our university. For instance, the Affordable Accommodation campaign is currently petitioning the principle to guarantee like for like affordable accommodation when they close them down. Instead, they're shutting the cheapest accommodation, which costs £119 a week (although this is the cheapest, the student loan still isn't enough to cover the rent), and have replaced it with another that costs almost £200 a week. The university is also under criticism from students for it's investment of £8million a year in fossil fuels. The student satisfaction statistics are pretty bloody awful, being among the worst in the country, and it's hardly surprising when the business side of the university seems to go against what is best for the students.

Although it's not surprising, this campaign is still certainly worth a shot. Especially in a case that is so abhorrently elitist. In an article released by Kings the prinicple Ed Byrne is quoted to have said that he is "looking forward to be working closely with David Willetts" which should certainly get alarm bells ringing..... it's extremely unusual for a professor to work 'very closely' with the prinicple of the university. David Willetts was hired as a result of nepotism and students are expected to be willing to be taught politics, by the man who put them in three times the amount of debt for the exact same education. His policy has had a monumentally negative impact on so many young peoples lives and those same people are expected to take him seriously. This shouldn't happen. And it's pretty obvious that Willetts is going to be paid a hefty sum if he does eventually assume his new post, and meanwhile other members of staff much lower down the hierarchy that Willets has helped reenforce, are being laid off.

The least we can do is try and make Kings College London take the students opinions seriously. Lets hope they listen to us this time, and lets not surrender to elitism. 


Voting pattern knowledge taken from YouGov.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Fashion is not Vain, Dumb, or Stupid.

Ziad Ghanem Catwalk Show, AW14. (My image)

There is an assumption that fashion and feminism are on opposite ends of the 'interests spectrum', the former is compromised by the latter, and they never go hand in hand. The general outlook is that you cannot be a feminist if you like clothes, because clothes are vain, shallow, and insignificant and females, in the eyes of feminism (all rational people) are none of the above (correct) and should therefore disassociate themselves from such a mundane past time (incorrect). What is so often over looked is the fact that the opinions surrounding fashion are intentional and have been socially conditioned because this artform is the one area in life where women have a greater freedom of expression than men. 

Fashion is treated as trivial because women are treated as trivial. 

It is the height of irony that women are perceived as ornamental beings, objects of desire, and are constantly encouraged to tirelessly seek out a better physical self, yet when we take an interest in the very same attire that we are supposed to shower ourselves in in order to achieve all of this, we are punished for it. We become self centred creatures. Really, there is no winning. As a woman, you're either not good enough or you're trying too hard and this is exactly why feminism needs to be associated with fashion.

It is a definite form of sexisim to turn one of the only forms of expressions where women are free to liberate themselves and twist it into something that is worthless; an interest you should be embarrassed about taking a liking to.    

When the shoe was on the other foot and the most exquisite clothes were worn by the richest men in the land, frills, fabrics, and wigs were a status symbol and a goal to aspire to whilst those who weren't elites, Lords, or Ladies had to make do with rags and a palette of greys. But over time, more fabrics became widely available and more people were able to dabble within the realms of fashion, including women. And this isn't liked... the whole 'women having power' thing.

The tide has turned and women are free to adopt an androgynous appearance, in fact it's on trend, but it's a rather different situation for men. I'm not saying this is right, because it isn't, and anybody who knows me understands my firm belief that if I were a boy, I'd be a drag queen. I'm all for a man in a frock. But not everybody else is and whilst women are free to take on masculinity within the fashion sphere, the same does not go for men and even the idea of a 'man bag' is met with a widespread cringe. Men adopting female clothing styles can expect mockery at best and prejudice or even violence at worst. There are also sexist reasons for why it's this way around- masculinity offers an admirable sense of power while femininity is inferior and is not a quality worth aiming for- but the point remains, women have greater flexibility. And men, in history, have found this power unsettling because women have risen above their place and this is where the negative stigmas come from... men tied women down to stop the art form from revolutionising a females position within society. 

The sad thing is that it worked and can by proven by the fact that women's fashion is not made by women. You are far more likely to succeed within the industry if you are a man. Where is the justice in having an industry that is heavily targeted at women being controlled predominantly by Men? Of course, there are powerful women... let us not forget Dame Vivienne Westwood and the infamously fearsome Anna Wintour of Vogue. But she's most likely been a bitch because she's had to be- it is not easy to earn enough to survive in fashion never mind making millions as a woman at the top. On a small scale, of the 20 students on my art foundation course, which has recently drawn to a conclusion, only 3 were male and yet the odds are in their favour in terms of being the most successful. Likewise, the girl:boy ratio at UAL, a group of London art universities which include the best fashion & arts institutes in the world, is 75% female and 25% male. These students are the creme de la creme and yet 75% of students studying are at an immediate loss because of their gender.

Despite men being far and few between at the relevant universities, the situation is completely reversed at some point during the translation of studying and forging a career. Although it's difficult to gather statistics, the Womenswear Designer of the Year is perfect in showing the gulf between genders. Over the last 13 years, the prize has been given to a man 8 times but a woman is yet to win the Menswear Designer of the year award. Fashion is therefore a feminist issue and instead of one being completely disassociated from the other, they need to start working together and allow women to swim, not sink.

For this to happen, there are a number of ideas that have been forged and need to be undone again in order to rid the negative tones that have been attached to the interest that someone may choose to have in clothes. We need to modernise the thought process when people hear the word 'fashion' and I also think the fashion industry has to do a bit of work too:

1. Having an interest in fashion does not equate to a lack of intelligence. One of the biggest stigmas surrounding fashion is that anyone who takes an interest is in no doubt an air head. The underlying reason for this is because of the degrading of fashion that I have discussed above; the assumption is that anyone who takes an interest in something so superficial must therefore have no substance themselves. Obviously, my argument is that fashion isn't superficial, and nor are the people involved. In every industry, and in very work place, there will be a materialistic, shallow person, and yes- these people also exist in the fashion industry... but you can't tar everyone with the same brush. 

The assumption that you must be a little bit dim if you wear nice clothes and spend time putting an outfit together is wrongly entrenched to the extent that I've actually seen feminists attack and/or belittle other women because they like fashion. I'm currently reading Jo Brand's autobiography, and as much as I love the woman, I was upset by her remarks about some girls she came across during her school years:

She states early on in the book that: "I subconsciously absorbed the message that being a girly girl and dressing to please was not the way forward". This doesn't really seem that bad, but it immediately isolates "girly girls" for what they wear and pictures them as something fragile.... this is the start of a sarcastic dig at women who like fashion. 

She continues by comparing her choice of clothes of: "a T-shirt, trousers and plimsoles" with the other girls waring "pretty dresses and nice shoes"... making them sound a little bit inferior to her 'boyish' choices.  

And the insulting part comes when she sarcastically refers to their interests: "A few girls whose heads were filled the very important details of what was fashionable that year" ... making it sound as though this is totally insignificant and because they happen to take an interest, they did not have the capacity to care about anything else. She explicitly labels them as "sad" and "empty-headed" making the assumption that liking fashion makes you a bit thick.

... This really upset me because I usually completely idolise the woman.

2. Women do not dress to impress men. The belief that fashion is anti-feminism because women use it to attract the opposite sex is massively flawed. Women use fashion as a feel good tool- they dress for themselves. When women dress to impress, it's often for other women because it is a form of expression that a large proportion of us are interested in- fashion is a uniting common ground that women from all over can identify with. The best place to see this in action is at fashion week, women flock to one other in awe of each others outfits and often, once a conversation starts rolling, you forge friendships as a result of someone liking your watering can shaped handbag.

3. There is absolutely nothing wrong in caring about your appearance, focusing on your best bits, and being body confident. Because women are bombarded with a constant stream of airbrushed images of goddesses as a target to aspire to, being told what diet to try next (according to the latest edition of Grazia magazine it's all about 'The Clay diet' which simply involves drinking clay), and generally being told that we don't look good enough ever, we've got used to feeling crap about ourselves and being battered and bruised by outsiders opinions. 

I think it's tragic that only 1% of women in this country consider themselves to be beautiful. It shows how we've been socially conditioned to believe that the word 'beautiful' is about your face, not who you are, and links with my belief that women are almost embarrassed if they're happy with they're body. Well there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Being comfortable with the way you look does not mean you're shallow or vain, it's a very positive way of thinking. Flipping go ahead and love yourself and be proud about it.  

4. Being 'fashionable' is not the same as being 'high maintenance'. A fashionable woman may not actually take three days to get ready to go out for tea. And even if it does, don't be quick to judge it as high maintenance behaviour. Fashion is often about knowing your style, having an eye for creativity, and being able to visualise what 'works'. This means that a lot of 'fashionistas' can put outfits that may appear to have been carefully planned and thought down to a 'T' in just matter of minutes. It can take 5 minutes to get something together, or it could take 50. If it's an interest, then there is absolutely no problem in experimenting with outfits- I reckon it's healthy for your self esteem and mental health to play about with your wardrobe. Using the word high maintenance is simplifying and shunning a creative process and a hobby.    

5. Make-up is totally OK too! I only wear make-up occasionally and never did do for college, which was often met with remarks such as "you're so brave!!!!" which is actually both insulting and patronising. However, if I did to choose to wear make-up I don't think it would make me any less of a feminist. Obviously, if someone feels as though they can't leave the house without make-up on then there is a massive body image problem going on, but wearing make-up, I believe, is just another branch of the fashion industry that allows scope for extra creativity. You can do some amazing things with make-up. And if you feel as though popping on a bit of lippy, mascara, and bronzer makes you look that little bit more fabulous, then go for it... work your assets!  

6. If someone is interested in fashion, it doesn't mean they're a bitch. Not much explanation needed here but for some reason this assumption is made (this was another thing that Jo Brand suggested in her book) and I THINK it's because people are intimidated by people who look good. Especially when big sunglasses are involved. Just remember that just because a girl likes her fashion, doesn't mean she wants to morph into the personality of Anna Wintour.

7. Live television reports/newsrooms need to stop patronising women with 'powerful' high heels. Never have I seen a woman reporting the news, on breakfast telly, or on a panel, in a pair of flat shoes.  (Actually I think Caitlin Moran wore a pair of converse for an interview on NewsNight once). It's old fashioned minds at work and I find it all a bit unsettling. Why do women on the telly need to wear them? A smart heel is no smarter than a smart flat. And I'm quite certain that not every woman on the screen wants to be sat/stood there in a pair of shoes that are crippling their feet... especially when they're on air from 5.30am. There should be a choice. Having all female news reporters in high heels is a bit patronising and turns the 'empowering women' attempt into a 'lets-dress-our-women-up-like-pretty-little-dolls-and-make-them-a-bit-taller' horror show. (Production and styling teams, sort this out please.) 

8. The fashion industry needs to acknowledge that 'plus-size' is NOT a size 12. BUT we need to acknowledge that fashion is not the only source responsible for the country wide "lack of body confidence crisis." I am sympathetic with anyone who discredits what seems to be the industries projection of an ideal (stick thin) woman and I agree with the fact that 'plus size' should mean exactly that on the catwalk. Using tiny models is also a problem, and yes, many models do have eating disorders because of the brutal nature of the work. But sometimes magazines are forced to use tiny models because the samples they're sent for shoots are tiny as it's all about minimal waste and maximum profit. There are also many designers who do use plus size models, such as Ziad Gahnem who walks complete novices and as well as plus sized models with blue hair, covered in tattoos, he also hires transgender and transvestite models, as does Pam Hogg. So there are actually designers within industry, working vehemently to change it- they're not all the same. 

9. We've been taught to judge others instantaneously based on what they wear... this stops us wearing what we want to wear. On a personal level this follows a similar theme to the make-up comments I receive, my clothes aren't especially 'normal', and so I get the "You're so brave/daring to wear that".... which, as I say above, is not actually a compliment!! People seem to find it acceptable to discredit my clothes just because they think I can handle it. I get the "what on earth is that?!?!" reaction quite often. 

But I'm not 'brave', I'm just me. I wear the clothes I do because I like them not because I wake up every morning and think to myself "Today I'm going to be visually courageous". I much prefer the terms 'adventurous' or 'experimental' because thats what I do with my clothes, I explore with combinations and constantly find new things that I like, and I show the world this by walking down the street in an a pair  of my mums old dungarees, clashing patterns, and battered doc martens that are covered in paint. I don't let the mainstream trends or opinions effect my choice in clothes and I really wish more people thought this way. Wear the clothes you do because you like them, not because you saw 307 other girls wearing it first. 

There should be no shame in wearing the clothes that make you feel good. This is empowerment, and everything about that is rooted and supported by feminism. Womens fashion is feminist!

Just be you. 

10. Fashion is not Vain, Dumb, or Stupid. Need I say more?


Facebook rant I made earlier.....

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Fitspiration, Thinspiration, Eating Disorders & Why I'm Miffed With Instagram.

Taken from an Instagram account, 'Thinspiration Station" that claims to endorse weight loss with a 'healthy' approach.

"Hashtag thinspoooooo!!". That's about as '2014' as it gets. Most of us, even my 84 year old Grandma, use some sort of social networking platform and will therefore come across 'fitspiration' and 'thinspiration'- a 21st century culture that supposedly encourages us to aim for a better body and a better 'self'.

But, as with just about everything else on the planet, it isn't as simple as that. This internet craze, that one of your well intentioned friends (or even yourself) will have shared on their/your profile at some point, has a much a darker side and unfortunately it's just a click away from Google.

Instagram, along with other social networking sites, either blocked the hashtag 'thinspiration' or replaced it with a popup for because of the unhealthy nature of this deathly pursuit for thinness. The difference between thin/fitspiration advice, and symptoms of an eating disorder are often indistinguishable; on searching, you are essentially taught to see the body as the enemy.

Unfortunately, the work of social networking management in tackling the negative bombardment of thinspiration is too simplistic. Both of the options mentioned above are not sufficient because: a) popping up a link is more of a 'lets-cover-are-own-arse' move than something that productively encourages vulnerable people to seek help. b) blocking hashtags doesn't work. 'thinspiration' is blocked, as is 'thinspo'. But 'thynspoo' isn't (50,877 posts under that hashtag on instagram) and nor are 'ana' (for anorexia) or 'mia' (for bulimia) with a combined total of 9 million related posts on Instagram. And c) These sites make massive contradictions. There are still hundreds, thousands of accounts dedicated to thinspiration on Instagram and yet mine was removed and I assume that was because I posted several posts with the hashtag 'eating disorder'. I used this hashtag for credible reasons; the posts in question were of my artwork which I've made to help raise awareness of eating disorders and promote recovery and this was made very clear in each and every caption. I do NOT suggest that eating disorders are a conscious life style choice.

So here I am, with a newly made instagram account whilst others, dedicated to 'thinspiration' are still in existence, have thousands of followers, and as many posts. 'Thinspirationfreak' for example has over 8000 followers with a profile full of womens stomachs and thigh gaps. Meanwhile 'thinspirationstation' has 20k followers and claims to be "inspiring weight loss in a healthy way" despite posting images with slogans such as "Think before you eat" and "KEEP CALM AND BECOME A SKINNY BITCH" plastered over them. Yeah, real healthy.

A thinspiration post.


This image, and the one above are examples of the work that my former Instagram page used alongside the hashtag 'eating disorder' as well as 'recovery'. I reposted the fork onto my new instagram page with the same well explained caption.

And this brings me back to the the link I made in point 'b' between 'thinspiration' and eating disorders. It's a crucial link and prompts the question 'where is the line drawn?' Well, in fact the lines are totally blurred. The fact is that thinspirations counterpart, fitspiration, which remains unblocked on social media despite being dubbed 'pro-anorexia layered in muscle', motivates people through encouraging hatred of the body. It is a trigger waiting to be pulled- the bullets of eating disorders are hitting more and more people. There has been a 60% increase of EDNOS in women over the last 10 years and a 24% increase for males.

Posts on social networking sites that focus on body image in a degrading way does not help this rise, they actually contribute to it. I actually think that thinspiration/fitspiration posts and pro-ana posts are pretty much one and the same. 'Pro-ana' is a movement that developed in the 1990s but it has exploded in the last few years, it argues that anorexia is a choice, not an illness, and in some cases, pro-ana websites endorse the illness and basically argue that you aren't perfect until you are dying. And people do. Die I mean, people do die. Anorexia alone has the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses and 20% of people suffering with anorexia will die prematurely because of either suicide, heart attacks, or other medical complications. There are currently 1.6million people in the UK known to be suffering from an eating disorder whilst millions of others will be hiding from the truth.

For the last year or so, I've learnt a lot about eating disorders. Not really because I became increasingly curious about the respective illnesses but because I've had to. I've had to because suddenly, anorexia and bulimia were thrown into the works- not for me personally, but for someone very close- and when you are a bystander in these situations, there's really not much you can do. You can be a support, but you can't make a mental illnesses disappear. And that for me, has been crippling. So I decided to learn; to learn and understand on a greater level so I could be compassionate when it was most needed.

I taught myself through endless research and a full time art project which was inclusive of both practical work, written reports, and documentation of other peoples stories.

And I know enough to say that thinspiration and fitspiration are deterimental to mental health. These posts encourage diets and excessive exercise and, according to 'beat', 35% of people who set out to diet 'healthily' end up pathologically dieting and 25% of these people end up with a full blown eating disorder. There is also strong evidence to suggest that eating disorders are not only genetic, but transferable within friendship groups if eating patterns and weightloss become a prevailing conversation topic. And in a society where 69% of children aged 10-18 get their inspiration for their own body weight/image from magazines, it is likely that this is a conversation topic. We really don't need a degrading thin/fitspiration in a society where the perception of beauty has already been socially conditioned.

 There is of course an opposing argument stating that it is possible to retrieve positive influences from  posts of the fitspiration genre. The account 'Skinny Mom' argues that:

“someone with low self-esteem and self-worth will likely have an unhealthy perspective of fitspo images, whereas someone who has high self-esteem and self-worth will have a healthy perspective”.

And this, I suppose, is true. Someone who is body confident and knows their physical worth will know to ignore the hatred that is entrenched in these posts. Although that isn't really making a 'healthy perspective', it's actually just censoring out language with bullying overtones and listening to your own body.

So just how many people are positively effected by these posts and images? How can their possibly be a majority of people finding these posts enlightening when only 1% of women in Britain consider themselves to be beautiful? And why would anyone who was comfortable with their body search for criticism as a source of motivation to improve?

I will argue, until the cows come home, that this hate teaching culture is monumentally more damaging than it is helpful.

It teaches us that are worth is made up of our bodies and that are purpose is superficial; it is judged by the looks we get for our bodies. They use an abusive form of motivation to inspire body shame. The images trigger anxiety, hopelessness, and ask you to go to all extremes to achieve something that is unsustainable; "don't stop unless your puking" and "be stronger than your excuses". HELLO!!!?? Stopping at the point of collapse is not an excuse, it's your body screaming at you for help.

You are worth so much more than just your body; it is the shell that holds you and your life. One of the earliest feminists, and one of my main influences, Mary Wollstonecraft, said the following back in the late 18th century and it remains overwhelmingly relevant to society:

"Taught from their infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison.”

Here Wollstonecraft explains that society endlessly tries to define people as their body. We are asked to believe that our power, identity, and worth lie in what we look like; for women, our beauty is our best and most powerful asset so we have to make the most of it. Like Wollstonecraft, I oppose this. Your body is the vehicle which your life depends on but it is not everything that you are. Who you are is so powerful, so magnificent, that it is actually intangible.  Nobody will ever be able to physically touch the whole of you or your personality- you are in charge of what that is, no one else. This new wave of culture is trying to reverse this idea and revert back to eighteenth century ideology where looks become everything (especially for women), and so your body becomes your limit and your prison when in fact it should be respected by yourself and others should respect you for having that confidence. 

The messages that fitspiration/thinspiration send in teaching you to remove yourself from your physical being, and attack it, are simply aggravating an already growing problem of decreasing self appreciation. Each year, 5000 15-19 year old girls are diagnosed with eating disorders in this country and instead of bowing down to bones and the patriarchy that anchors us, we need to inject positivity into society and teach people how to love their bodies. 

Trying to runaway from your body doesn't work.  You cannot run away from you. You will always be there. So use this to your own advantage and the reap the good qualities you already sew instead of searching for constant imperfections, and flick a massive 'V' to fitspiration type posts.

The alternative to not having your body isn't a great one; your life has amazing value so treat your body with respect and love. It is the 'thing' that will transport you through life, not an empty vessel. 

Hannah Riley

(follow my new instagram account 'ihannahtheduckling')